VCU Health Coordinator's Commitment is Evident

Philip “Muzi” Branch, Director of Cultural Programs for the VCU Health System has been the coordinator for their National Arts Program® show for these past twelve years. His commitment to the show and support and love of the arts is evident in all that he does. He understands that art is central to a person’s healing and that goes for caregivers and patients alike. Their show, which hangs in a busy first floor corridor of the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center’s Gateway Building, succeeds in supporting both of these groups. The faculty and staff and their families are honored for their artistic achievements and the patients are treated to an amazing gallery experience in an unexpected setting.
This year for their twelfth annual show there was a total of 210 pieces of art displayed in the exhibit which were submitted by over 130 different artists. All VCUHS employees and their family members were eligible to enter two works of art and all artwork was exhibited and judged by a panel. That panel included the following artists and art instructors from the local community; Gloria Gray, Chris Hulbert, Matt Lively, S. Ross Browne. We would like to thank each and every one of them for doing the difficult job of choosing the winning entries from this amazing showcase.
We look forward to so many more successful years working with both Muzi and VCU Health on this show which Muzi states has become, “the premier employee event for their hospital”!