Santa Rosa, CA Art Education Winner Explores New Medium

Art Education Award Winner Dylan Domenici creating his fabric sculptures in the studio with his teacher, artist Mathilde Amiot.

Dylan Domenici was the recipient of the Art Education Award at the 20th Annual Santa Rosa, CA National Arts Program Exhibit. Dylan’s mother, Beth, reached out to us and shared how he was able to utilize his award money to have an incredible experience with a local artist! Here is what she shared….

When asked what type of art class Dylan wanted to take, he answered immediately, “sculpture!” I thought, oh boy, where am I going to find a sculptor who wants to work with a five-year-old? It turns out, we have a wonderful artist named Mathilde Amiot in our community who was willing to take Dylan on as a student doing soft sculpture with fabric. Mathilde is biking distance from our home and has been so wonderful working with Dylan. When I sat in her studio while they co-created, I could hear the two of them planning and giggling, with quotes from Dylan like, “Bring me all the glitter and sequins, I just can’t get enough!” During each of Dylan’s sessions he created drawings 2D models on paper, developing his ideas and getting inspired by materials. They completed a full sculpture at every session.

What an incredible experience for a young budding artist and a wonderful use of the Art Education Award! Beth told us that their Santa Rosa National Arts Program “is such a beautiful event that celebrates art in our community. My children love being treated as artists and appreciating the wide breadth of work from members from all walks of life in our community. The whole family looks forward to submitting work each year”.

We love to hear that artists of all ages are showcasing their talents and are continuing their learning and practice beyond the scope of the exhibition. Congratulations to Dylan for winning the Art Education Award and thank you to his mother for finding something he loved and sharing his art story!


Santa Rosa
Dylan Domenici with Mathilde Amiot