Santa Rosa Show Celebrated by the Community

From a new record installation time to a super fun awards reception, Coordinator Jessica Rasmussen reported that everything ran very smoothly for the City of Santa Rosa’s 16th Annual NAP exhibit.  Jessica credits this success in large part to an amazing group of returning volunteers who look forward to helping with the program each year.

Along with a dedicated volunteer group, the show also received wonderful support from the local arts community in the form of generous donations.  When Jessica reached out to the arts community for donations for the exhibit, she received five gift certificates from two local art stores – Rileystreet Art Supply and Village Art Supply – totaling $200.  The city then matched these donations with the purchase of five additional gift cards, which allowed all ten of the Honorable Mention winners to be presented with one at the reception.  “It’s a great way to round out the cash prizes, with a few more winners,” commented Jessica.  Clone Digital Print & Copy, a local print shop, donated the printing of the award reception programs as well as event postcards helping to increase the professional feel of the show.

Over the years, the exhibit has come to be recognized as central part of the City of Santa Rosa’s Arts Programing and it’s no wonder with more than 250 people attending the awards reception at the Finely Community Center held on March 3rd.  It’s truly an event that brings the community together! Even Mayor Tom Schwedhelm got in on the action as he attended the ceremony to present the awards to the winners.

And the celebrations didn’t stop there.  With more than 200 participating artists on display, many of them took to social media to share their experience and encourage others to visit the wonderful show.  Carlea Warren-Rossi, pictured, commented on Instagram, “So...this happened :). I'm very grateful to have received an award for my painting "Slow Burn" from the National Arts Program in Santa Rosa. If anyone's interested there's a show celebrating all the winners, along with a range of artists throughout Santa Rosa.”

It’s really amazing to see a community brought together through the encouragement of sharing their art at the NAP exhibit.  None of this would be possible without the hard work and dedication of Jessica combined with the tremendous support received from all the parties mentioned.

Santa Rosa