Savannah, GA Provides Professional Feel to NAP Exhibition

The Department of Cultural Affairs Gallery SPACE once again hosted the City of Savannah, GA’s National Arts Program® Exhibition. The gallery space provides the participants with the feeling of being part of a professional art exhibition while still maintaining accessibility to the employees to view the show in their daily work environment. Even after their fifth year with the NAP, Coordinator Debra Zumstein still continues to get comments about how exciting it is to see such creative works from fellow city employees.
To aid in presenting a professional exhibition, Debra also utilized the NAP’s Non-Matching Scholarship money this year. “With budget cuts to our general budget the scholarship monies enabled us to present a well labeled exhibition and a nice reception,” commented Debra. The NAP is happy to be able to provide this additional scholarship money to help our venues like Savannah present professional exhibitions during these trying economic times.